Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Fishing By Hook

The hook is usually attached by a line to a fishing rod in Bangladesh. A bite indicator such as a float is sometimes used. The rod is usually fitted with a fishing reel that functions as a mechanism for storing, retrieving and paying out the line. The hook can be dressed with lures or bait.

Angling is a method of fishing by means of an "angle" (hook).  Angling is a principal method of sport fishing, but commercial fisheries also use angling methods such as long-lining or trolling.

A Fish hook.
The use of the hook in angling is descended, historically, from what would today be called a "gorge." The word "gorge", in this context, comes from an archaic word meaning "throat." Gorges were used by ancient peoples to capture fish. A gorge was a long, thin piece of bone or stone attached by its midpoint to a thin line. The gorge would be fixed with bait so that it would rest parallel to the lay of the line. When a fish would swallow the bait, a tug on the line would cause the gorge to orient itself at right angles to the line, thereby sticking in the fish's gullet.

An angler may choose is dictated mainly by the target species and by its habitat. Angling can be separated into two main categories: using either artificial or natural baits.
Artificial baits

Many people prefer to fish solely with lures, which are artificial baits designed to entice fish to strike. The artificial bait angler uses a man-made lure that may or may not represent prey. The lure may require a specialized presentation to impart an enticing action.

Natural baits
The natural bait angler use a common prey species of the fish as an attractant. The natural bait used may be alive or dead. Common natural baits include worms, leeches, minnows, frogs and insects. Natural baits are effective due to the lifelike texture, odour and colour of the bait presented.
The common earthworm is universal bait for fresh water angling. Grubs and maggots are also considered excellent bait when trout fishing. Grasshoppers, bees and even ants are also used as bait for trout in their season, although many anglers believe that trout or salmon roe is superior to any other bait. 

Despite of all these, there are a number of hooks in different shape and color provide by many fishing company. 

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