Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tips for Oceanographer on Ship in Ocean

Its been very simple matter for an Oceanographer to go on a research cruise for collecting samples from different parts of a ocean. Any civil person will think that this is the most adventurous part of Oceanography. Unfortunately, it is not. If anybody is used to it then its OK; but for a common student, its like a nightmare especially for the first time

A Marine soldier or  Navy sail men are trained for it through a long period in a fully controlled Naval academy. But for a scientist, there is no easy chances. So, for them, preparation is needed not only physically but also mentally because, its not a ocean in book, its a ocean for real. 

So Let's Jump to the Pre-cruise Preparation:  
  1. Get at least 4 set of cloth for 15 days (It will increase with the days accordingly)
  2. Use boot as shoe and 5-6 piers of shocks.
  3. Never forget your coat/jacket in winter and sun-cream during summer.
  4. be hydrate all the time and get some exercise as warm-up everyday for at least 10 minuets.
  5. Get a written list of necessary equipment and a extra battery for your phone.   
  6. Take some simple medicine (Pain, headache, vomiting etc) for yourself as emergent. 
  7. Obey all the procedures properly which are provided by the Authority before on board. 
  8.  Keep dreaming the Ocean at Night. (Ha Ha Ha)
On Board Maintenance: 
      You are a respected researcher in your country but the Ocean doesn't give a shit about it. So be careful all the time and follow this:
  1. Always obey any commands from Captain of the vessel. 
  2. Slow down your walking speed and hold something while jerking of the ship.
  3. Don't come out on deck while raining or in storm.  
  4. You have a lot's of work, be aware of your instrument. check them everyday.
  5. Eat properly and Eat in Little amount at once in a time (or you are inviting your illness by yourself only)
  6. Share each and every problems with your superiors and colleagues. Otherwise danger is nearby.
  7. Be careful about getting locked-down in your ship-cabin.
  8. When head-pain is in high, look at the sky, it will reduce at once.  
  9. Be careful and don't act as a hero near the water or ship railing. 
  10. Watch the waves, you can easily find your safety positions on deck. 
After Ship hangover:
  1. Don't panic and just sleeping all day is also harmful.
  2. Use pillow on your both-side while sleeping at night for 4-5 days to adjust psychology of jerking bed in ship. 
  3. Secure your all samples in a good storage system of your institutions.
  4. Eat fruits and drink lemon water. 
  5. Don't read tiny words in anywhere. It will increase your hangover pain. 

Remember, You are a civil person. So, act as a civil person. Store your energy for any adverse situation. Over excitement in ocean causes a good amount of pay/pain in your life. Be prompt and boastful with a clam storage of knowledge and carefulness. Thus, you will come over any problem regarding sampling by research vessels. 

Thank you.

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